Neonatal Online Training & Education
The NOTE Faculty are pleased to offer a new international online Masters (M) level educational programme in neonatal medicine. As part of a collaboration between the European Society for Neonatology (ESN) and the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Southampton successful participants have the option of receiving academic credit at Masters (M) level. The aim of the programme is to provide high quality postgraduate neonatal education within a unique global Neonatal Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).
We have two ways in which it is possible to access the programme:
1. Masters-Level Academically Accredited Option
Participants who opt for this route will be eligible for academic accreditation, at Masters level, by the University of Southampton. If sufficient modules are successfully completed it will be possible to progress to a full MSc degree. The clinical neonatal modules have been commissioned and developed by NOTE and the research/governance modules have been developed by the University of Southampton.
Modules currently available include:
It is anticipated that additional modules in both categories will be developed over the next two years.
Possible exit awards are:
Currently students who are undertaking these modules include doctors training in neonatology, Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioners (ANNPs) and neonatologists from the UK, Europe and around the world.
Typical entry requirements include:
2. CPD Option
The second option is for experienced clinicians who wish to participate in the neonatal postgraduate clinical modules as part of CPD. This route involves studying the same online clinical neonatal modules alongside the students taking the academically-accredited route. On successful completion of each module a certificate will be awarded by the ESN and the NOTE Faculty but no formal academic credit will be awarded. The content, route of delivery and the assessment criteria are the same as those described for the Masters programme.
Eligibility for the CPD route includes:
The Programme
Experience of online learning is not essential as there will be an induction module for all participants. Irrespective of the route of access, each module will be delivered in English over a period of approximately 12 weeks. The total study time for each module is 250 hours of which up to 50 hours will be online contact; the remaining 200 hours is self directed study. Each module has predefined learning outcomes and a range of multimedia will be used to enhance the teaching and learning. Participants will work in small learning groups with supervision and support from 2 online tutors. Synchronous and asynchronous online communication will promote collaborative discussion and debate of authentic clinical cases. Summative assessment is integrated throughout each module and will take the form of MCQ questions, evaluation of online participation and a written assignment.
If you're interested in applying for either the MSc Neonatology or the CPD option then please contact the Programme Manager - and we'll get back to you.